Media Downloads
Download the Herlitz logo in various formats and sizes, along with color codes for the brand palette.
Logos for Print
Versions include Main logo, H only, 3-color, gray, and blue versions in standard formats for print production and projects.
.ai Files
.jpeg | .tiff | .pdf Files
Logos for Web & Screens
Versions include Main logo, H only, 3-color, gray, and blue versions in standard formats for web and screen applications.
.png Files
.ico Files (Herlitz only)
Primary Herlitz Logo Colors
Pantone: 289 C
CMYK: 99, 84, 45, 51
RGB: 12, 35, 64
Hex: 0C2340
Pantone: 646 C
CMYK: 68, 39, 13, 0
RGB: 91, 137, 180
Hex: 5B89B4
Pantone: 187 C
CMYK: 22, 100, 88, 15
RGB: 170, 24, 44
Hex: AA182C
Secondary Herlitz Brand Palette
Pantone: 138 C
CMYK: 10, 59, 100, 1
RGB: 224, 124, 0
Hex: E07C00
Pantone: 441 C
CMYK: 27, 15, 20, 0
RGB: 186, 197 194
Hex: BBC6C3
Pantone: 286 C
CMYK: 100, 84, 12, 3
RGB: 0, 51, 161
Hex: 0033A1
Pantone: 654 C
CMYK: 100, 84, 31, 17
RGB: 0, 58. 112
Hex: 003A70
Pantone: 3125 C
CMYK: 95, 2, 22, 0
RGB: 0, 171, 200
Hex: 00ABC8
Pantone: 543 C
CMYK: 35, 12, 3, 0
RGB: 162, 199, 226
Hex: A2C7E2