Running Rankings in HIMPACT

“Company Rankings help the buyers make more informed decisions when making ordering decisions, SLA decisions and help to maintain the correct mix of Inventory.”

First, you go to Navigation, and then Company.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Navigation

At the top left on the Ribbon bar, you’ll see two buttons.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Main Ribbon

ABC RANKINGS – Accessing this feature will let you assign up to nine distributions of ranking at the item, SKU and or location level when aggregated by annual unit sales, annual sales value, profitability, theoretical and actual inventory.

RUN RANKINGS – Initiates ABC Ranking job.

Selecting ABC Rankings brings you to the Set up of how you want to run the Rankings tool.

On a side note regarding performance, do not run the rankings during normal buying hours. Running this slows HIMPACT down a bit and can lead to slight delays in processing, so we recommend it is run early in the morning or at the end of the day to not slow you down.

The ranking tool can be run by Item, SKU or Location as long as all total 100% across the rows. The Standard breakout is for it to have your Top 1% items be you’re A items. Second are your B items, usually your next 4%, and then you C items your next 5%. Your D items would be your next 10%, meaning you’re A-D items represent your top 20% of items since this is where the bulk of sales occur.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool - Item, SKU, Location Chart

These rankings are visible in SLA and also on the Item Order List should you choose to add them. In both instances, this ranking provides another perspective about the item. It could be a C item with regard to its Service Goal while also being a D ranked item based on Unit Sales but an A-ranked item based on Sales Value. How could this be? This could be an expensive item, such a grill at a lawn and garden retailer or wholesaler. Its demand is lumpy, so it is most profitably managed at a C ranked Service Goal. It is a slow seller so D ranked based on units sold and because it is expensive, when one unit is sold, it represents a large sale in dollars.

Note: These rankings are different from the A-D rankings that you see on the Today Page. Those are Service Goal Rankings. Those are defined by your project manager and set in Company.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Item Ranking by Service

To get a better feel for these rankings we suggest you run a Ranking Report by Sales Value at the Actual Level.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Reports ribbon

When you look at the results you’ll quickly understand where most of your sales come from and understand how the rankings will focus your teams on the highest importance items. In the below you clearly see the first 19 items account for the Top 10% of sales dollars.

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Actual Sales Value by Item Chart

HIMPACT Screenshot - Rankings Tool Chart with Cumulative column and 2,696.664.16 highlighted

To request additional training please contact Bryan Cox, Manager of On Boarding & Buyer Support at