How to Effectively use the Convenience Pack
Convenience Pack will help you buy more effectively on high volume items. This, in turn, helps improve workflows in the warehouse by reducing touches.
“Convenience Pack is another tool to help you flow inventory through the warehouse more effectively by limiting touches.”

Units/Convenience Pack
A convenience pack is a higher multiple than the buying multiple and is most commonly used to save handling costs during peak seasons.
Example: you are happy to buy in cases or layers when your typical order is less than a pallet. However, when you get close to an order of a full pallet, convenience pack is used as the higher buying multiple.
Conv. PK Jump Point %
Represents what percentage of the convenience pack must be reached before rounding up to 240. If this was set to 50%, and the order quantity was over 120 units after normal buying multiple rounding, the system would round the order quantity up to 240 each.
Conv. PK Jump Point Count
Represents how many times HIMPACT will check the percentage of the convenience pack, after which the percentage isn’t considered and the convenience pack becomes the active buying multiple. In other words, if this is set to 4, and the percentage is 75%, the system will buy .7, 1.7, 2.7, 3.7, 4.7. On the 5th convenience pack needed, it will only buy in full pallets, so 5.1-5.74 will also be rounded up to 6 pallets.
If you leave this value zero or empty the system will check the convenience jump point percentage regardless of how many convenience packs you buy.
To request additional training please contact Bryan Cox, Manager of On Boarding & Buyer Support at